supporting folx in reclaiming sensuality + creative spark
Planetary Magick Spreads
As a witch and a lover of ritual, I often work with planetary energies in my magickal practice. I love it so much, I co-authored a zine with astrologer Katie Evans of Above the Horizon Astrology. The 7 classical planets and luminaries are the focus of the zine. These astral bodies are potent magickal tools for your unique, personal magick. The outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto—are a different deal altogether. They are the transpersonal planets, here for magick of the collective. What that means for you, the individual, is a soupy and fascinating thing. When I make a video talking about it, you’ll find that link here. If you want to go deeper with these planets, I’ve got a mini-zine for you (it’s one of those trades—you give me your email for my mailing list, I give you the mini-zine).
Goddess Archetype Spreads
I spent thirteen months in a ceremonial container held by Amanda Elo’Esh exploring the goddess archetype framework of the13 Moon Mystery School channeled by Ariel Spilsbury. These are the tarot spreads I created during ceremonies in concert with each archetype.